A futuristic technology.
Cyberhair is the product of years of research and development, and even more years of meticulously fine-tuning the super-technology required to create realistic feeling, and looking, hair fibers. This technology, like most manufacturing processes, does involve some robotic labor. So that assumption is right on the money as well. And since Cyberhair does not originate from a human hair follicle, it definitely is, well, synthetically created. But similar to the mainstream “synthetic” it certainly isn’t.
Take all of your preconceived notions of synthetic hair and toss them out back in the alley with the 8-track players and rotary phones. Cyberhair is less a synthetic, and more a creation–a technologically advanced hair creation. It’s where science meets art in the happiest of matrimonies, creating a hair-replacement system that looks natural, feels natural, and lasts–no matter what tests the elements may bring.
The good news is, there is no need to wait for the future to reap the benefits of this futuristic technology. Cyberhair is available now in the United States after years of testing in Japan and Europe. And it could not have come at a better time.